The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered both to the dying and to those who are gravely ill or are about to undergo a serious operation, for the recovery of their health and for spiritual strength.
At a time when there are less priests available, it is wise to receive this Sacrament and, as the hour of death approaches, Viaticum (Eucharist as given to a person near or in danger of death), before the last moment. Please let us know of your needs earlier rather than later if this is possible by calling the parish office at (302) 652-6800.
Having Surgery?
Do not hesitate to approach one of the priests after Mass for a short form of anointing if you are having major surgery. Remember this Sacrament is for healing.
Last Rites refers to the sacraments that Catholics receive at the end of their lives, especially Confession, Holy Communion (called Viaticum when given to a person near or in danger of death), and the Anointing of the sick and the prayers that accompany them.
If you are currently at Christiana Hospital or Nemours, ask the nurse to call the Catholic chaplain on call.
If at home, call the main parish number 302-652-6800 and dial ext. 139 for Melissa Pollio and leave a message with the following info: name, location, phone number, reason for anointing, and if they are a St. Mary Magdalen parishioner. If they are not our parishioner, please let us know the circumstances for why you are calling St. Mary Magdalen for your anointing.