Altar Servers | Boys and girls that help the priests celebrate mass, weddings, funerals, and other services. |
Cantor | Cantors are both singers and facilitators of congregational song. A cantor must be able to sing in tune, and possess an understanding of the order of the liturgy, as well as different styles of liturgical music and singing. Previous experience is helpful, but not necessary. An informal interview and audition is required. |
Choir | This group of parishioners is dedicated to providing music to the SMM parish. |
Environmental Coordinator | Creates a beautiful environment for our Masses. In addition to regular Sunday liturgies, responsible for wedding decor, holidays, and sacraments, etc. |
Eucharistic Ministers for Liturgy | A group of parishioners who are Diocesan certified through the Office of Worship. They assist the pastor during communion by distributing the Eucharist. Contact: Karen Yasik |
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Sick & Hombound | The sick, homebound and retirement home Catholics in our area are still very much a part of our community through prayer and in faith. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the sick and homebound bring the comfort of Christ in the form of the Eucharist to those parishioners who are unable to come to the church for Mass. They are a group of parishioners who are Diocesan certified through the Office of Worship that pray, read scripture, and distribute Eucharist to the sick. Contact: Karen Yasik If you have a relative or friend who is homebound and would like to be visited, please call the rectory office at (302) 652-6800 and we will make arrangements. Also, if you feel called to this ministry, let us know! We are all one Body of Christ! |
Lector (Reader) | This group of parishioners is dedicated to reading the Scripture during Mass. Any parishioner who is interested and has a good speaking voice is eligible. Contact the parish office if interested in being a Lector. |
Ushers | Assist congregation with Mass participation (i.e. seating, direct parishioners to communion, assisting physically challenged individuals, providing emergency help to those in need before, during, and following Mass.) Ushers select individuals to present the gifts (2nd graders' families are assigned for part of the year) and take up the offertory collections at weekend masses and other special times. They also help maintain good order during the liturgical celebrations. |