If you have gluten intolerance and would like to receive the low gluten host, go to the gift table as you enter church (behind the center pews, in front of the baptistry) & follow the procedure below:
Before mass, using the tongs, place a low gluten host in the mini ciborium that is clipped onto the bowl of hosts. You MUST go to Father’s line at Communion and tell him you need a low-gluten host. Father will then give you the low gluten host from the mini-ciborium that has been consecrated.
Gift table set up with Low Gluten Hosts
In order to ensure a safe distribution, we will only be offering the low gluten hosts at weekend masses (Saturday 4:30PM, Sunday 8:30AM & 10:30AM), not daily. The low gluten hosts have been improved over the years and taste and look like the real wheat hosts. Any questions, please contact the Parish Office.
Set Up Information for Sacristans, Deacons, & Ushers
updated August 2022