Holy Communion to Sick and Homebound
The homebound and retirement home Catholics in our area are still very much apart of our community through prayer and in faith. We have many volunteers that take Holy Communion on Sundays to the homebound and retirement residents. If you or a family member would like to receive Communion at home, please call the Parish Office at (302) 652-6800.
Preparation for baptism, scheduling of baptism, and family follow ups also fall under Pastoral Ministry at SMM. Our baptisms are on the first and the third Sundays of each month after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. If looking to schedule a baptism please call the Parish Office at (302) 652-6800.
We have a wide variety of outreach opportunities through our parish please let us know if you would like to get involved with serving the poor and vulnerable in our surrounding community. Contact the Parish Office at (302) 652-6800 for more information.
Senior Center
St. Mary Magdalen has a vibrant Senior Center with bingo and other activities. Bingo is on Thursdays starting September 28th from 1:00p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Feel free to stop by, all are welcome.
Spiritual guidance
If ever a parishioner is looking for emotional or spiritual support we try to help or find resources to help. Contact the Parish Office at (302) 652-6800.