Sign up to receive one-way texts through . You can opt to receive texts or e-mails. You can even download the app and get push notifications right to your phone or tablet about First Communion 2023 news, events, weather related cancellations, and more! THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN SIGNING UP FOR PREP NEWS - CLASS CODE IS @mrsyasik
With the New Year, we are returning to have families of First Communicants sign up to bring up the gifts at Mass! Go HERE to sign up for a memory with your family! PLEASE NOTE - THE WEEKEND OF JANUARY 25-26 IS THE BEGINNING OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK. FATHER REQUESTS THAT ONLY CATHOLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS SIGN UP FOR THOSE MASSES, AND THAT THEY WEAR THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM THAT MORNING!
The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are offered in the 2nd grade.
Please be aware - It is a Diocesan requirement that all children preparing to receive a sacrament need to be in either a Religious Education program or a Catholic school for two years prior to the sacrament. For First Communion, that means your child needs to receive Religious Education beginning in first grade.
If your child is older and has not been involved in religious education, either in a PREP or Catholic school program, please reach out to Melissa Calvanico-Pollio 302-652-6800 ext.139 for instructions.
What does the Pope say about the Eucharist? Listen HERE
Orientation held 2nd grade Year:
First Communion Retreat: March 1ST, 2025 8:45AM-11:30AM - the retreat is an important part of preparation, please mark your calendars!
All of our First Communion dates are in regular weekend masses during the Easter season. We will celebrate the sacrament at all masses (Saturday 4:30, Sunday 8:30 and 10:30) from Divine Mercy Sunday (April 27 weekend) through May 18th weekend. You can sign up for your date and mass time at SIGNUPCOMMUNION