Have you said the Rosary today?
This week? This month?
Why not start today... need a refresher course on saying the Rosary:
Print out either of these to use at home How to Pray the Rosary or Rosary handout .
Everything Catholic at your fingertips!
The most comprehensive free Catholic App. Daily Mass Readings, Order of Mass, New American Bible, Stations of the Cross, Saint of the Day, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and daily prayers to name a few! The Interactive Rosary is a great way to start doing the Rosary with children or anyone looking to get more practice saying a full Rosary.
Busted Halo: Great site for teens and young adults - Great videos that you can watch on sacraments as well as church teachings!
An awesome explanation of Our Faith Through the Creed
An uplifting video about Who we are as Catholics
A great Lenten video to jumpstart this time of preparation for you and your family!
A video for teens on how to do the Daily Examen of Ignatius Loyola
Great video on How to Pray the Rosary!
Creed Overview Video
Corporal Works of Mercy: Looking for ways to use the works of mercy we learned? The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy listed out for you & suggestions on 5 Ways to Show Mercy.
Amazing Catechists: For catechists (and more!) this site lists lots of great resources too!
De Sales Weekly: The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales have a website with a wonderful commentary as well as St. Francis de Sales' words relating to the Sunday readings.
Ascension Catholic Church: for commentaries on the Sunday readingsFranciscan Media: info on Saints, Prayer, Sacraments, Kids & Family, Lent & Advent, Homily Help.
Mealtime Matters: an article that emphasizes the importance of family meals and providing suggestions for better mealtimes.Handbook for Today’s Catholic Family a 64 page book filled with great resources for families.
Sharing the Faith With Your Child: From Birth to Age Four is a great resources for families at the time of Baptism.